Sunday, March 05, 2006

Quality Time With A Saint
Was talking to a close friend today after service and we have a good time fellowshiping. Many times how i wanted to spend some time together but becos of our own agenda, our timing seems cant meet up with each other.
I thank God for the opportunity to spend some time today... though we may be very different haha... and our age is much apart, i wonder how can God ever bring someone so different to become frds. Every moment when im with her i enjoy it.. nothing about the spectacular but its just the simple things we do or share.. eating ice-creams.. and walking in the malls.
This time round, im sure i got to know her more. As she is sharing her life stories to me, i cant help to thank God for His grace always so abounding. Many times in her life she felt not appreciated or loved by her ex-memebers.. how she just lay down her life for others more than herself. All the scarifices she has make etc.. at that seems to be a bleak. Guess love really does involed risks.
But look at her now, she has managed to pull thru and she is stronger. Now she is one of the person that i looked up too alot. She is wise.. fun to be with.. always at ease with herself.
And i really pray that she will find her purpose in God and what God really want her to do in her life...

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