Wednesday, February 01, 2006


If happines is like a piece of cake, i think i will not have immediately gobble it up. Because if i do so... happiness will be gone for long...

If happiness is like a piece of cake, i will admire it and slowly eat it to enjoy the sweetmess of it happiness that last.

But to many people, what is really happiness all about? To some being happy is just being at ease with themself. Some are just being happy while others are happy. Some just means to lead a simple life.. have a roof over their heads.. Some being happy is finding a heart a home...

Happiness comes and goes.. its just like come today and gone tomorrow. You can never determine whether you will be happy tomorrow...

Whatever the reason maybe i guess happiness is a state of mind. We can chose or allow ourselves to be happy or wallow up in self-pity.

For me, i want to be happy, single or attached. Cherished every moment good or bad. Because u never know who is going to fall in love with your smile :)

May we follow our heart till we find our rainbows of happiness..

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