A ride to remember
Just as i thought my life is so mudance doing the same thing... walking in circles and not having my needs meet... i was really frustrated... but i guess God caught up with me today and i think sometimes life is so full of surprises.
Yesterday my boss called me up to take one day leave for my shut down period. So unwilling i say yes. Then in the afternoon i recieved a call from a company to for a an interview as a HR & Admin Manager... haha.. i struggle.. cos i think i dont really have that capacity just yet. But i sms tw today and he infact encourage me to go.
Ok so i went today and my exciting day begin...
When i reached downstairs i saw an old man waiting for cab too, so being a polite and a good christian i let the old man took the cab that i have hailed. Then out of nowhere there is a cab so and i hop in.
Dont know why i feel a certain peace when i got in. So as i was on my way to my interview venue, then cab driver play a chinese worship song. It was very nice and we happen to struck a conversation. To my surprised, he is from City Harvest Church and what a small world! So i ask him about his conversion, he begin to share his story...
5 years ago, his baby little gal was born without nerves cell and just barely two days after birth the poor baby gal stomach was so bloated and doctors mentioned that out of 20,000 baby one has it. Times of distress hit their family and all they can do is to cry helplessly... Then his sisters offered them to pray to God, but he was so frustrated and he say to her that he doesnt have time to think of religon stuff etc.. but her sister manage to convince him and they held hands and believe God for a mircale for this baby gal... Few days pass and yet nothing happen, her sister ask him to hold on to faith and God is testing their patience and heart...
One month past and still nothing happened... as usual routine the parents visited the baby in hospital, just then the doctors are making his rounds to check on the baby. Something happen, the baby has pass out some motion after one month and immediately the doctor do a thorough check.... The mircalous happen... out of nowhere God gave the baby gal nerves cell... they are shock, happy and because of this the whole household got saved and they are serving God :) The baby is 5 years old now, and he proudly showed me his daughter's picture. She is so cute with big round eyes and who would have thought 5 years ago she almost go heaven??
This true story inspires me and it makes me recall about God's goodness... i bid goodbye to that driver hopefully i can see them in church someday.
But my afternoon encounter didnt stop here, as the interview place was abit out of way, after the interview, i hailed another cab to go home... before i know it, i realised that there was another cab driver who is a Christian too...
Oh mine... my mind went pondering... 2 times in a roll i so concidencely sat 2 cabs driver who are Christian... Is God trying to tell me something or what?? I wonder...
As usual being a relational me, i struck a conversation with the 2nd taxi driver and ask him about his conversion.
To cut the story short, his grandfather was from china and had 2 wives, and one of them got converted. So because of the different belifes at home, there are constant quarrels at his grandfather's house.. i find it very funny... he was mentioning.. one side is the cross the other side of the hall is the "Toa Pek Kong".
When his grandfather turn 80, he suffered a bad stroke that left him bed ridden. The whole family was very sad. Then one day, the cab driver aunt was standing at the window and when she looked up she saw the cross that was nail on the side of the wall.. Then she begin to talk to Jesus.. asking Him to heal his dad and she will believe him if his dad is heal... after praying nothing happen.. so she is very disheartened and she went to her room to cry and pray..
Just then out of nowhere his father walk out from the bed and was healed instantly!!! And she told the dad that she was praying to Jesus for healing not that "Toa Pek Kong". Then the rest was history ... all of the family members witness this healing mircale and all gave their hearts to Jesus. Not only God healed him, God extended his life and to another 13 years. He went home with God at the ripe age of 93.
I fully now understand what is like to shine at market places now. This cab driver told me that he also witness to a kidney patient passenger and brought him to church, he gave his heart to Jesus just before one month before he passed on. Testimonties after testimonties he tell me and if God can use a humble cab driver to shine for him while on road... how much more we can make a difference in our people's live? It just take one... one at a time :)
I was really blown away by what has happen to me today... what is God up too this time??? Hahah.. never have this kind of things happened to me.. but my heart sure skip a beat whenever i hear about how God came near and help at our desparation.
I always think God is always very busy and has very litte time to take care of me and i sometimes feel so insignifcant, so small and wonder did He really know what am i going through? Does He really cares? Sometimes i wonder why is He so silent... but i know when He is silent, that doesnt mean He is not there. I just cant explain how i feel today... it just as if God really let me realise that He really hears us when we pray or cry out to him...
Many times we just chose to ignore the voice from within, we know we should do the rite things but helplessly we chose to turn other ways. Its our will Vs again His. Maybe our hearts just need a little bit more of surrendering. Christianity is not a life of constraints... Christianity is finding freedom and knowing the truth and coming out of the dark cave where people are hidding. So come out .. from the cave my friend you know who u are :)
Oh as for the interview in the afternoon, it be good if i got the job... but as for right now... it doesnt really matter as today i have an divine encounter from above :)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Happy Moments
Went to my sister house to celebarate my bro-in-law birthday and here are the happy shots that was taken during dinner time...
Im sure a picture really paints a thousands words... besides its more than one :)
Daddy & Me
Band of brothers
Nic & I
Mummy & Me
Happy Birthday Labbit!
Mr & Mrs "Burgers King???"
Are they having fun or wat??
Who says funny faces are only for the young ones???
My Folks
Dad & My Hands...Spot the similarity? 
My Beloved Ah Ma
Me & My side kick
We are beautiful no matter what they say :)
I was enjoying myself and my digital camera came in good use to capture the moments... Many times i often complain to myself i dont have much and always in lack.. how i wish i am better off, prettier etc.. but i know God is fair. He gave me a home where love abides. Happiness is really in a state of mind not how much you have :)
The glass is either half full or half empty. You decide.
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