In a few days time, 2008 will be a history... a new year will be taking over.. Welcome 2009 :) This has been a trying year for me... looking back i realised that how time has quietly slip by so fast without noticing.
I remember crossing over 2008 with God in my humble bedroom, and now.. here it comes again..
Hmm... this year not a bad year compare to last. I have make some good friends and some how we got closer this year.. though i "lost" some... in life u either lose some or gain some..
Hmm... this year not a bad year compare to last. I have make some good friends and some how we got closer this year.. though i "lost" some... in life u either lose some or gain some..
Begining of the year... i have managed to clear my building fund.. felt so happy :) though the amount is not so significant, i suppose unequal amount, equal scarifice.
And then my career took off as i have left SCI, its not an easy move with all the emotional attachments i have with my operators and colleagues.. never felt so moved.. they gave me stuff when i was leaving the company... i wish them well..
And then my career took off as i have left SCI, its not an easy move with all the emotional attachments i have with my operators and colleagues.. never felt so moved.. they gave me stuff when i was leaving the company... i wish them well..

The Run

Nite Cycle

Challenge myself again for my nite cycling ... i freak out when i had to cycle so many miles. And poor tw.. has to bear my wailing from the start.. haha.. once is enough.. i swear i wont do it again!
Flee Market

This Christmas... i receive my first coach bag from my sister and my bro-in-law.. i am so elated when i saw it.. im not really into brands.. but i guess under some "godly influence" haha i being to see other brands.. i also believe that we have to upgrade from time to time and of cos live within my means.. hehe..
My Spiritual Family

Finally, thanks friends u know who u are dudettes.. who gave me a lift when i am about to fall.. and i guess its angels like u people who has brought me here...

Well... so many said and done... i do hope that next year 2009 will be a better year than this.. at least no more heartahces.. no more sleepless nites.. no more wet pillows..
2009.. I welcome u with open arms..