Sunday, December 27, 2009
Things started to change when people have different agenda in life. I begin to ponder how come people tend to let go of things in life so lightly? Or was it me who take things seriously? I really wonder...
Looking back, 2008 was a better year than 2009. In 2008, sure there are challenges, but we stand together as one.. but when changes comes in.. couples are paired up one by one, babies are born things started to change... For once, now i realise what Dr Edwin Louis Cole said is true; One thing in life that is constant is CHANGE.
For once i feel a sense of 'lost' like a soul without a home, i am sure many of us felt this way. Its a bitter sweet feeling. I really dont know this kind of feeling seems to be so uncertain. Dont know what is going to happen next. Like what Jane mentioned on her blog... is just like God calling Abraham to step out of to the unknown. What a year to end with. But i will still walk on with HIM, despite of how i feel.
Our love for HIM should be constant :) despite the temperature of our heart. Coming a long way, sometimes i really wish to throw in the towel and leave... Yes many has left and yet to return. But for me, i will stay on because of HIM my heart has found a home no matter where HE will leads me...
I want to end this year and begin 2o10 with a positive note, pray God will bring in more quality friends. Not friends that will put you down with hurtful remarks, not friends that can only share when good times come and run when back times are around. I pray that i will have a better job, a fairer boss :) Not forgetting to clear all my exams this year :) and be able to travel to Austrialia to find my good old friend... Mrs Young... hahaha.. I guess 2010 will be exciting cos i will be more independent doing things on my own ...
I shall end this year with a positive note. Negativity drains people down. I chose not to be discourage by people's opinion. I will move on with my life... its a race that i have to run... being in a big church with a Great God i am sure there is so much more we can do. What God will not do for us? He has given us His Son :)
I really look forward with much anticipation for a better 2010 :)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Today i am going to share with you my new hobby... hahaha... yes from what you see i am in arcade at bugis.. This is my no. 10 temp staff Sherman Sun our "xiao lee zhi"...He sees us being us so stress up.. decided to bring us there. He is the one who taught us how to play this kiddie game.. Never expect i will enter in cos to me this is so kiddie.. me going to arcade?? is like learning how to do rock climbing.. hahaha..

Please catch Sherman in action... ask him to work not so serious.. but mind you.. when comes to play.. he is champion... Just look at the way he concertrate to play this game.. never see him so serious before.. hahah...

This is what he wanted to catch today... lets see... how much poky he can manage to capture...

Just take a look on that lady on my right ... hahaha... we are so happy!!!!! For less than 3 dollar.. we manage to catch 1o boxes of poky!!!!! Well done Sherman... *clap*clap*clap*

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Seems like some of us are in the seasons of discovering ourselves.. Sometimes when love lurks at the door of our heart we seems unknowingly let it comes in. Some love came and stay for a while and left, sometimes love came it and dwell for a long time..
Whether it comes or stays over a long period of time, the end result of love coming into our hearts, we eventually are hopping tat it will blossom and bear fruit. But it seems not to be so for some of us. The barreness of our soul seems not to be bearing any product of love.
Hmmm... one love is one sided.. carrying a touch for some years yet he doesnt know? But if he knows how will he react? Perhaps he is not ready to embark into another level of friendship with her.. So she waited patiently.. hoping that he will turn his head towards her.. a fairy tale with no ending? For this im sure she has already moved on slowly but surely..
Another love is complicated... The pursuer is pursuing the pursuee.. the pursuee relantlantly open up her hear and let him in. After sometime ... due to some unforseen circumstances they tend to drift further and further...
Yet another heart is broken as many has come in and swept her heart unknowingly, after sometime it left her standing alone among crowds.. Where have all the good man gone? Burried 6 feet underground? Married? or becoming a broke back? :) that will be still a mystery yet untold...
Nothing is further away from the truth, all these are the cries of some lonely souls. What they are asking for is just to be loved and to love. A simple request from within and why it is so hard to find someone out there? Even if think we may have found the right one.. Where have the sparks gone after sometime? Love between two souls are so difficult to comprehen? People at the upper hand loves to play guessing games, sometimes we hide they seek.. other times we seek they hide... its so frustrating :)
When love comes unknowingly, it seems to be so inviting.. defences are off guard and before u know it feelings are developed. But there is a sense of uncertainity... no one moves unless he or she moves ... wat a complicated relations we are in in today's world!
As there is a takes a moment to fall in love with someone, but to forget it takes a life time.
Will we be able to forget our old feelings we have fetch and progress on what is given and move on to our new found love when it comes? Life is so full of ups and downs... uncertainities all around. Life in life itself is a mystery, you wont know who you will meet tomorrow and what happen next... When will our paths cross his.. if our crossed has passed.. will we be able to know if he is the one?
Sometimes i feel him near, sometimes i do believe there is someone out there waiting for me, its not a drama that i have seen on the tv. But i do believe, one day i will meet him. When the right one comes, i will be able to know..
Meanwhile to all my girlfriends who are reading my blog.. to those who are heart broken, do not despair, u will grow strong emotionally.. trust me, time is the best healer... i mean beside God Himself.
To my friends who are married.. please stay connected heheheh..
To my friend who is in far far away land... u always hv a place in my heart.. we will meet again!
And to the rest who is still searching for Prince Charming.. including myself.. haha.. im sure the best is yet to be revealed!
Tomorrow is a gift, lets unwrap it with anticipation!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
This song was birth forth when i was in service last nite with Songs of Solomon bible study with Pastor Kong. Never felt this way for a very long time. Just when i feel my heart is dry.. His Love came watering in. Pastor said something and i still kept in my heart. He mentioned that there will always always be a point of our lives when God calls us to decide will we love Him more despite of all these we have.
Decisions we make have an impact of our future. I kept running from Him, He kept pursuing me with His stuborn love. Who are we really that He is so mindful of? I guess it all boils down to the first love that we have for Him. I remembered my first love. It was almost like heaven on earth. The joy that flows from within is so unexplainable. Oh.. how i missed my first love... sooner or later again i know He will ask me the same question.. despite of it all .. will i still be in love with my King...
Yes i love Him, maybe not as fervent as before. But i do love Him still. Wrote a song for Him, i wanted the world to see... He is my lover of my soul after all..
Title : Linger
Wrtitten By : Christine Lee
I want to linger in
Into your your courts my King
Bring me to your chamber
I want to stay within
Take me to where You are
Draw me near to you when I'm far
Closer each day i came near
For you are always the one I love
For you are always the one I love
I will linger I will stay
in your presence day by day
till I am found in your embrace
This love you gave so true
No one can love me like you do
My heart my soul belongs to you
You are the fairest among all
Your love for me stands tall
When everything fades
your love remains
You have capture my heart
let nothing do us apart
This love so pure found by none other
But you
I will follow you
I will follow you
I will linger I will stay
in your presence day by day
till I am found in your embrace
This love you gave so true
No one can love me like you do
My heart my soul belongs to you
Just a simple song, but i with humility i wrote. I know its not the best that is ever heard, someday i will write a better one so that the world will know thru me His love for us will be heard :)
Life is a journey.. let it begin..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Long forgotten the passion.. long forgotten the calling.. long forgotten it until it rings today.. i dont know la so many issues to deal with.. not really want to think of it. My own needs are not met how to meet others ppl needs? Just frustrated ... dont really know how long i am able to hold on? My rope is slippery... filled with grease... trying to hold on as long as i can.
I really wish to go away.. help..
Friday, May 15, 2009
街道靜得刺耳 夜被路燈染色
趁感傷醒來前 先上車 不會不捨
承認我是弱者 不敢再對愛假設
我真的累得 不想再拉扯
*我尋找的平靜 是我將來看電影
帶著一顆平常心 不必為誰心碎閉上眼睛
我需要的平靜 是敢回頭看曾經
我不懂得取捨 才讓心痛堆著
找得到前些年 的快樂
只是偶爾 回憶是個誘餌
是來叫我回去的要傷能癒合 我非走不可
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Monday, April 06, 2009
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Once a upon a time in a land far far away, there was this little princess who always think that love can be so simple between two hearts.. While growing up she often saw how two people at different time come in together as one.. Old couples strolling down the parks, couples who look so different yet compliment each other.. All she long is to be love and to love others, it seems so easy yet so far reached for her.
As time progresses, she got herself into different kinds of relationships and thinking that maybe thats what love is all about. She even look for love in the wrong places and wrong faces.. but all she got in the end was bruises all over ...
All the more she thought her prince will come sooner... it doesnt always happen to be the way it seems.
So in order to protect herself from being harm.. this princess has decided to build an invisible wall of defence up from other man who would want to barge into her world and leave marks on her heart and harm her.. It was not easy being and wanting to be love yet holding such a strong defense of not wanting to get hurt by other man..
Many strong and mighty prince who have tried to come and wanted to invade by tearing down her wall of fences had failed as her defence is strong and up.. and just went she thought that no one can come into her world... another one appear..
He is a commoner.. not even a prince, he is princess's friend for few years.. recently he just got in touch with her. Though this commoner has a drama past and has an interesting background, princess did not look down on him yet she believe in him and his dreams, hoping that just one day, he will be get his empire back.. And after not contacting for so long, they hit off well together.
It was never her intention from start to have a relationship with him.. all she wants is his friendship as she finds him interesting and a nice. Princess can be herself with no pretense when she is with him.. happy & carefree.
But this commoner wanted to have this princess by his side to support him in whatever he do. One day, this princess recieved a V-Day card from this commoner asking her to be his.. This princess was shocked and felt flatter. This commoner wrote on this e-card saying that he will wait patiently for her to say yes...
This princess was touched by his kind and attentive guestures... times goes by... after much persistency and effort... suddenly this princess begins to feel a ripple in her still heart.. A stir has been created by this commoner and this princess heart has been wavered by him finally...
Before she knew it, she has realised that all her defences that she has built around all this while is melting down slowly.. alas.. She begin to feel something for him as each days goes and they progressing well as times evolved..
Somehow life always has a twist and bends in every story, just before they thought they can live a happily ever after in a land of happiness... something happen...
One day commoner's friend has a business venture with him and it will requires commoner alot of time and effort for it to grow.. Commoner has to decide to choose a better life for himself or forgo this budding relationship with this princess.. If he has choosen a better life, his focus will be building his empire and will not have much time with her. And he doesnt want to feel unfair to her but princess never demands much from him..
So after much thoughts.. he finally decided to go into his business venture where he hopes that he can earn alot of silver and gold.. He wanted to strike out his own and make a name for himself in the market. He doesnt want to be a commoner forever. He wanted to become a King one day to own his own empire... Princess knows it has always been his dream... so unreluntantly princess decided to let him go and they parted as friends.
Princess fought back her tears.. she fought hard not to cry... She felt sadden as it wasnt easy for her to open her heart to like another and just when her defences is down and slowly acocepting him... He chose to go back on his word and follow silver and gold. Commoner knows money cant buy love, but with money he can buy things and live comfortably he thought he can never have.
Princess is at her castle today looking out of the window... she needs a break after a long battle of sleepless night.. Thoughts running through her mind today, "you either meet the wrong timing with right man, or right man with wrong timing". Guess this time, its wrong timing maybe with the right man???
Friends percieved her as happy-go-lucky and worry free, but do they really know what she really wants? Do they really see who she is really is from the inside?
She is not angry with him, but she hopes he will be happy and successful in life to build his empire. If building empire makes him happier and more fullfilling, she is willing let him go.. who knows what will future holds? She will miss him though... :)
A man will know whether the woman will be true to him when he is broke, down and out. And woman will know whether the man will be faithful to her or not when he is rich and successful.
Once again... princess line of defense is up and strong... she will not allow anyone to enter into her world so easily this time...
Come what may... princess will fight and find her way back into love once again..
Saturday, April 04, 2009
There are few things in life i really hate. One of them is goodbyes... recently i realise that many people around me are leaving.. A good neighbour who has stayed next door to us is leaving for India... colleague of mine leaving for Japan to pursue her passion in design.. and not long after that my dear friend whom i have know throughout these few years is leaving too..
I hate to bid goodbyes.. once used to see each other often and then out of sudden out of sight to another place to start a new beginning.. How i wish i can have a pair of wings to fly away too. Maybe its time for a retreat to my cave.. I am just tired of trying..
Life goes on whether u like it or not. And it will be those memories that will carry with me. Suddenly i think i am going to miss her much. No more singing session, high tea time, all those walks... and those quality time.. Wish you well dudette :) and i hope you will settle well and be happy.
I realise that friends that once who used to be close to you, who you used to share your hearts out seems to be out of sight... Family demands time.. people does change from time to time. Seriously there is nothing much to lookout for in friends, they come and go. And once they have reached they destinations... Friends arent so impt anymore. Maybe i will be worst off compare to them when that day comes.. But for now i know i dont expect to be the same like before, people come in and out of season.
Its just not the same anymore. If only life can be simplier..
Good nite world... Time to retreat.
Friday, March 27, 2009
(Kenny Rogers)
Why do people cry
When they hear the word goodbye
In a love song?
Tears are sure to fall
When you know they gave it all
In a love song.
Somehow two lovers get a chance
At a beautiful romance
And you wish it could be you.
'Cause everybody's needing
What the singers all are singing
In a love song.
It can tear you apart
'Cause a word can break a heart
In a love song.
They say all the things you feel
And they make it sound so real
In a love song.
It seems that everything they say
Is said in such a way
That we believe it's true.
'Cause everybody's needing
What the singers all are singing
In a love song.
Each of us know
There's no guarantee
We'll ever find love.
And in the songs that we share
The heartache is there
To remind us.
New love brings a thrill
And we know it always will
In a love song.
Happiness can leave
But it helps if we believe
In a love song.
There's a part of you and me
In every memory
That tells us who we are.
And everybody's needing
What the singers all are singing
In a love song.
(My Version)
People say I'm the life of the party, because I tell a joke or two. Although I might be laughing loud and hearty but deep inside I'm truly blue.
So take a good look at my face, you'll see my smile looks out of place. If you look closer, it's easy to trace, the tracks of my tears..
Since you left me if you see me with another, seeming like I'm having fun although he may be cute but he's just a substitute.
So take a good look at my face, you'll see my smile looks out of place. If you look closer, it's easy to trace, the tracks of my tears..
Outside I'm masquerading, inside my hope is fading. Just a clown inside me frown. My smile is my make up, I wear since my break up with you..
So take a good look at my face, you'll see my smile looks out of place. If you look closer, it's easy to trace, the tracks of my tears..
Thursday, March 26, 2009
(Yoga Lim ~林宥嘉)
讓我愛你 然後把我拋棄
我只要出發 不要目的
我會一直想你 忘記了呼吸
孤獨到底 讓我昏迷
如果恨你 就能不忘記你
所有的面目 我都不抗拒
如果不夠悲傷 就無法飛翔
可沒有夢想 何必遠方
我一直都在流浪 可我不曾見過海洋
我以為的遺忘 原來躺在你手上
我努力微笑堅強 寂寞築成一道圍牆
也敵不過夜裡 最溫柔的月光
如果恨你 就能不忘記你
所有的面目 我都不抗拒
如果不夠悲傷 就無法飛翔
可沒有夢想 何必遠方
我一直都在流浪 可我不曾見過海洋
我以為的遺忘 原來躺在你手上
我努力微笑堅強 寂寞築成一道圍牆
也敵不過夜裡 最溫柔的月光
~ i like this song especially the meaning of it :)~
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Osaka Castle
Hello Kitty
So in order to prove her wrong, i took on the challenge and decided to hunt for her on my first day of arrival.. mind you.. haha never post a challenge me.. you be amazed what i can do.. haha.. When i saw Kitty on my arrival to Universal.. i remembered our challenged and i ran like crazy to chase after her to just take a pic of her.. indeed i have a mission accomplished.. er.. the rest is history when i come home.. haha i shall spare the details..
My favourite Elmo
I like the ride of spiderman!
Er... Mrs Woody Wood Pecker???
Hard Rock Cafe
My first night meal... yummy!
Breakfast in hotel
One of the temple
Look at the deers.. so tame..
Not so nice meal..
Beautiful Kyoto
Up close with Geisha