As far as i can remember... my blog stop on May 10... wow.. its been almost more than a year since i have blog... thankfully its still "alive".. i think i shall be more faithful in my blog.. hahaha..
After leaving NAFA i went to another manufacturing plant.. in woodlands Celestica Electronics, my stint there wasnt long over a period of less than a year? haha.. Work sucks.. the people also sucks they are so superfical.. they just cant wait to see your downfall.. but i guess i meet some really nice peeps there and like every stories there are always villians and heros.. and im thankful that no matter how bad the situation looks at work while im there.. God always have protected and shelter me.
I went Thailand in Aug 10 with Jin. I enjoy myself thorougly... she is a good travelling partner always so accomodating.. stayed there for 4 days 3 nites and then.. finally my niece baby chloe is born on 9 Aug 1o. I was very elated.. i am officially an aunt now :) my sis have suffer 3 miscarriages and Chloe is a champion.
I went Thailand in Aug 10 with Jin. I enjoy myself thorougly... she is a good travelling partner always so accomodating.. stayed there for 4 days 3 nites and then.. finally my niece baby chloe is born on 9 Aug 1o. I was very elated.. i am officially an aunt now :) my sis have suffer 3 miscarriages and Chloe is a champion.
Chole Turns One

I remember praying for my sis and bro-in-law during a service in church and pastor is challenging us to give an expectional offering.. i held my faith that year and i sow a seed.. i didnt ask for anything.. i am just asking God for a mircale to happen in my family. I want to see my sis concieve and have a healthy happy baby.. There she was and im so happy to have here in our lives :) She just turned one and everyday is such a blessing to have her , she is such a darling and joy to our family :) Thank you Jesus, i couldnt have ask for more.

2010 has been a trying year for me... been through toughest of time alone and nobody knows what hell i have been through. I guess im no longer used to be the person i am now. No longer used to be vocal with my thoughts and feeling so freely make known to my peers... Not that i refused to share or anything, but i guess somethings are left better unsaid.

I was very challenged finacially, emotionally and physcially. All thanks to those wrong decision i have made, those wrong people i have trusted so easily. I guess im letting it go.. im sure they will have their own deserts.. its just a matter of time. All i can do is to look forward and smile :) i think i considered myself to be more self-reliance and stronger. Maybe its hard knocks of life lessons i have to go through..
Sometimes i really wonder and question God why Me?!! I have never done anything bad or harm anyone.. but i know everything that happens, happens for a reason.. i really dont know, but i guess i would someday :) I just wan to let go and move forward, life is abt progression.
Rembering Emma Faith Young

I was sad when i hear about Emma's news. I know no amount of words or comfort could ever make up the way Joyce & Warren are feeling. I feel alot for them, after reading the love letters to Emma, i was tearing uncontrollably and i know it must be so painful for them to go through it.
My heart went out to them and i hope God keep them strong as such a time like this .. i was reminded of my sibilings yet to be seen. I have always thought about them and if they are alive how nice it will be. I just pray that God will keep our love ones safe in Heaven and one day just one day the great reunion will come. Emma will always be remembered :) and i am sure she will always be..
Dear Emma, looking forward to see you one day and then we will all be playing happily together, just as now you are in Jesus arms.. Love ya.. from Aunty Christine.
Joyce's Return

Finally the long wait.. hehe.. my dude is back from Canbera :) I was happy to see her and have spent some quality time with this dear friend of mine! Friendship has always been a part of my life and friends will always be friends.. And im thankful for the colourful friendship each of us has given. We may not be perfect in all ways, that is when we need each other to sharpen and strengthen each character. I still believe good friends do last even through stormy rides :) Cheers to our friendships!

Sometimes i just dont understand why? Dont we deserve to find our missing piece just like the others? I can go on and on.. aruging my thoughts, but i have decided to be happy in the midst of waiting.. I will wait, God knows how long it take to meet him. Maybe tomorrow? Or never? God knows! I am sure God has the reserved the best for him. He knows what i love in a man and what i dont like.. Dear God, please help us to find our missing piece. Please prepare us i pray.

Tonight is one of those nights i cant sleep, my heart is full of him.. i guess sometimes somethings arent meant to be.. its time to let God and let go. Courtship is the best time, its always sweet, always feeling butterfiles in stomach, always having him on my mind, thoughts are always about him... I guess its a no this time again sad to say, im more rational, i wan to spare myself from future pain. Its painful.. but is okay. Time will heal and though tears will still fall, heart will still ache... feelings are still intact, but i will move on and live forward. Until i have found my Mr right.. meanwhile I will wait :)

I think im a strong gal inside though i have always think i am weak. Through so many things have happen in my life i still take life on stride. God knows how helpless i felt at times, how much support i needed. If this is a way i am suppose to take, then so be it. Im sure God will not give me things that im not able to bear. He is a good Aba, He will take care of me. Even its going to take a long time :) (well i hope not... hehehe)
Today is the day of 2011.. though its not a good year, many things have happened throughout this year but im so glad its going to over soon! And i am welcoming 2012 with much anticipation!
Dear God, please make 2012 the best year for myself and those people i love :) Amen!