GoodBye 2011 & Welcome 2012

I guess the excitement is over :) i suppose everyone is fast asleep in their bed or still out there having supper after 2011 countdown. As for me, i so wide awake. Not sure why, but too excited to sleep. Reflecting 2011, how it was really over and was never coming back! Thank God for a brand new start this year.
I just want to start the new year right. Hmmm... maybe have to set down some resolutions..?? Sound so old school.. everytime never really diligently keeping it.. haha..
But im excited what is in store for me. Now its a time of challenges ahead. A time of trusting God again in my career and my love life. I guess God works through seasons... if i havent gone through such a rough patch for these past 2 yrs, i wont cling on to Him so tight. Sometimes God redirects our anchor back to him, sometimes is just a time of chassening that we have to go through to get our attention back to God. Come what may i know He's thoughts are always good.
I am living out my dreams.. I want to be whr God has call me to be in.. its a time of trusting again.. for everything. I hope God will continue to shape us and mould us. Its always about Father's love He has for us...
Just as the song it sings.. Becos He live, I can face tomorrow.. Becos He live all fears are gone..
In God I Trust :)
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